About Us

Manufacturers and exporters of inorganic metal salts

Welcome to Anchor Organic, a global leader in the manufacturing of inorganic metal salts. Founded by Girish Shah, a seasoned industry expert with over 33 years of experience, our company exemplifies excellence and innovation in the chemical industry.

Our Expertise

At Anchor Organic, technical expertise is at the heart of our operations. Our team of dedicated chemists and engineers leverages state-of-the-art technology to produce high-quality products that meet the most stringent industry standards. Our relentless focus on research and development has enabled us to build a diverse product portfolio serving industries such as pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and electronics.

Global Reach

While we proudly serve the Indian market, our reputation extends far beyond national borders. Anchor Organic is a trusted supplier of inorganic metal salts to clients worldwide, thanks to our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Growth and Innovation

Our growth is driven by continuous innovation. By embracing new technologies and methodologies, we stay ahead of industry trends and meet the evolving needs of our clients with precision and agility.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the world’s leading manufacturer of inorganic metal salts, renowned for our quality, innovation, and technical prowess. We are dedicated to building long-lasting relationships with our clients and stakeholders, driving sustainable growth, and creating value for all.
Thank you for choosing Anchor Organic. Together, we can shape a more innovative future.